I wrote mainly poetry throughout the 1990s, and occasionally after that, and it appeared in quite a few places, including the below:

A selection of my poems was featured at Poetry Kit:

And they are also here:
Memento Mori
A cup of tea and a little pill

I had a poem in Best Australian Poems 2010:

In those earlier days I was very much playing with and interpreting my classical education, and also enjoying playing with layout and typography:
In SOUTHERLY, VOL 28, No 2, July 1995
In SCARP 27, October 1995. I wrote this as part of a ‘Myth and Symbol’ subject at RMIT.
In TINFISH No 10, 2001. This riffs on Christopher Smart’s Written in Bedlam and also on the change from a matriarchal system to a patriarchal one in the time when the Greek Gods we know were taking over from the older fertility based female ones, and the resistance that was offered.
Also in SCARP 27. A kind of riddle poem about the way a fellow student on the RMIT Professional Writing and Editing course wrote.
This I the first thing I wrote about my mum’s death, and the generative text, in a way, for the memoir I am writing now.
In Vertigo #3, 1992.